Cardio or Weights | Which First For Fat Loss? Muscle Building?

Should you do your cardio first? Or should you do your lift first? 

Which one is better for fat loss? Better for muscle gain? 

Bikini Prep Grocery Haul + Meal Ideas | My Current Diet on Prep

What I eat in a week while prepping for a bikini competition. 

Meal ideas/how I eat the food. And a plus! Quick and easy meal ideas that are healthy, low calorie and tasty. 

This is slightly different than if I were not on prep! BUT not really all that different. Whole and minimally processed foods are the key to eating healthy and getting / staying lean. 

If you want some of the recipes let me know 🙂

Can you eat carbs, feel great and still lose weight? 


You can eat carbs and still lose weight.

But if we can eat carbs and lose weight, why do so many people believe carbs are what make us fat?

Why are there so many diet zealots (think keto and carnivore), trainers, your friend on Facebook, and even your mum, claiming you need to cut out carbs, to successfully lose weight? 

There probably are a million different reasons but let’s talk about what I think are the 3 biggies.

Cardio or Weights: Which comes first for fat loss?

Should I do cardio first or lift first?

This is a common question and the answer is pretty simple… it depends.

Okay, maybe that doesn’t help.

It really does depend though. It depends mostly on you and your goals. But it also depends on the training intensity of each, your fitness levels, and your preferences. 

And yes, what you enjoy matters.

Can simply paying more attention help you lose weight?

Why are you eating whatever it is that you’re eating today?

What made you choose that particular food?

Have you ever thought about why you’re choosing the foods you choose?

Paying more attention, more attention to what impacts your choices in particular, can be a powerful tool in your weight loss tool box.

5 ways more protein can help you lose more weight

Want to know one simple change you can make to your diet to make weight loss feel easier?  

Up your protein intake!

Many people aren’t really getting that much, especially if a larger portion of their diet is made up of highly processed foods.

Most people, including you, are getting enough to stay healthy, most of us eat meat and a couple servings is enough to supply our bodies with enough protein to get by.

BUT are you maximizing all the benefits more protein can offer you? If you want to lose weight, upping your protein intake could pay big dividends and if that extra protein is coming from lean protein sources…even better.

Want to lose weight and tone up? The best way to exercise to reach your goals.

The first and best exercise you can do to lose weight is a plate push.


What is a plate push you ask? It’s when you push your dinner plate away.


Okay, all jokes aside, the best way to go about weight loss is to eat in a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is simply eating fewer calories than your body uses.


Easier said than done sometimes and a lot of different factors go into whether or not you’re successful at consistently eating in a calorie deficit.

How slowing down can help you shed unwanted pounds

Has this ever happened to you?

You sit down to eat, flick on the T.V. or open Netflix up, and you scroll looking for something to watch. 

You eat while you’re not really thinking about your food, because you’re trying to find something good to watch.

And before you know it, even before you’ve found something to watch, you look down and your plate is empty!

Food Pushers: How To Stay Strong Around Diet Sabotagers

Losing weight is hard. 

Losing weight is even harder when you’re surrounded by unsupportive family, friends, and co-workers.

You’d think everyone around you and everyone that cares about you would be pumped you’re making healthy changes. Eating better. Exercising more.

I mean you’re still you, just a happier healthier you right? Why would what you’re eating strain your relationships with friends and family?

Women and Strength Training.

It is amazing how much bull honk is still floating around about women and lifting weights. And it sucks that some of these lies prevent women from getting into weight lifting, keeping them on the cardio equipment and doing beachbody style plyo workouts with 2lbs weights.


How often should you weigh yourself? 7 Tips to use the scale successfully.

We’ve all been there, looking at the scale, hoping when we step on it, it will show us what we want it to.

Knowing we’ll let the number decide how our day is going to go.

Seeing what you’re hoping for means your day is gonna go great.

Seeing what you’re dreading means your day is gonna go crappy.

Do you want hard situations to feel easier when getting healthy?

You’re someone that cares about their health.

You’re someone that cares about their fitness.

And sometimes, even though you care, you find it hard to find motivation.

Motivation is fickle and bolts at the first chance he gets.

Personal trainer reacting to Pinterest fitness fails

Have you ever turned to Pinterest for some fitness advice?

If you have, you’ve probably run across some questionable information.

In today’s video I look at a few different workouts I found on Pinterest.

How to know if you are motivated to eat healthy and exercise?

How to know if you are motivated to eat healthy and exercise?

Like Nike says, just do it.

Today is going to be a bit of tough love.

And sometimes, you just gotta do it.

Do you want to make hard choices feel easier when losing weight?

Are you trying to lose weight but you are sick and tired of starting over? 

Fed up with self sabotaging every time you see a bit of progress? 

Are you ready to throw in the towel?

Don’t give up.

The Best Way to Overcome Overwhelm and Successfully Lose Weight.

Does this sound familiar?

You think about wanting to lose weight, tone up, and improving your health…

And then you think about all the things you’ll have to do. All the changes you’ll have to make. 

What Does It Mean To Be Motivated?

When you think about motivation, what do you envision?

A knight in shining armor coming to save you? Something that must be found and once it is found it will do everything for you?

Really, motivation is simply why we do what we do.

Motivation likes to make you think he’s a knight in shining armor and he even wears the costume, but really he’s just there for the fun stuff. He’s kind of a good time friend.

Set Yourself Up To Achieve Long Term Weight Loss!

It is common to have a weight loss goal, especially this time of year.

And many times people have the same weight loss goal a year later.

Today we’ll talk about one of the biggest mistakes people make when they go about setting a weight loss goal. And how to avoid that mistake!

Unpopular Truths About Weight Loss

Fat loss isn’t super easy.

And a lot of weight loss companies like to gloss over some of the facts that come with a weight loss journey.

I get it, some of the realities that comes with weight loss aren’t really great selling points. 

Who wouldn’t want to choose the program that promises that you’ll never feel hungry, it’s simple if you follow a few particular rules,  and you’ll drop the weight that took you years to gain, in a month!

Stuck in the Diet Cycle?

Do you feel like you’re Bill Murray in Groundhog Day when it comes to your weight loss?

You decided to get super serious with your diet, you’re super strict, you don’t allow yourself any treats, and you get on a treadmill for an hour every day and you are 100% on point.

A week goes by, maybe a month, you’ve lost some weight and then…you get to work and there are 18 different pizzas in the breakroom.

One Mindset Tip To Stop Binge Eating

An all or nothing mindset is no fun.

Either you’re all in with no room for anything except being 100% perfect.

Or you’re doing nothing and there is no room for any moderation. Not even a thought about moderation.

Make weight loss not suck


You don’t have to feel like you are starving to death when losing weight.


It all comes down to making better choices when it comes to what you’re eating.


Choosing more foods that are low calorie and high volume helps you feel fuller without extra calories.

How To Lose Weight Without Dieting!

You can lose weight without counting calories!

In this video, How To Lose Weight Without Dieting, I share my tips to losing body fat without dieting, and exactly how I lost 7lbs in 8 weeks while still eating spaghetti every week!

And without doing HOURS and HOURS of cardio, or any HIIT style workouts.

If you want some weight loss tips and some weight loss advice… dive in!

Gaining weight on 1,200 calories a day!

I’m eating 1,200 calories a day and gaining weight?! 

Should I eat more? Someone told me I’m in starvation mode and that makes your body gain fat!


Yes we tend to to count day by day, but consistency matters as a whole. It matters what we do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Tips for Fat Loss from a Bikini Competitor

I’ve done a few bikini competitions.


I’ve brought pretty decent packages to stage for all of my shows. Placing top 5 in all but one show.


What that means is I’ve done just as many preps.