One Mindset Tip To Stop Binge Eating

An all or nothing mindset is no fun.


Either you’re all in with no room for anything except being 100% perfect.


Or you’re doing nothing and there is no room for any moderation. Not even a thought about moderation.


Does this make sense for anything else in your life?


If you spent $5 more than you planned would you just spend your entire savings since you weren’t 100% perfect?


If your car got 1 flat tire would you total it because…well it’s ruined. Gotta start over.


No. That would be ridiculous. As silly as Snape in Neville’s grandmother’s hat right?  

And you’d have no money and you’d have no car. 


Ever. Why?


Because nothing is 100% perfect 100% of the time.


One doughnut doesn’t ruin your progress. Just like $5 doesn’t ruin your budget.


The weekend binge and free for all is what does you in.


Next time you have a doughnut, a meal, or even a whole day that didn’t go according to plan remember the next best time to make a better choice is RIGHT NOW.

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