Make weight loss not suck

Make weight loss not suck.


You don’t have to feel like you are starving to death when losing weight.


It all comes down to making better choices when it comes to what you’re eating.


Choosing more foods that are low calorie and high volume helps you feel fuller without extra calories.


Chicken breast


Lots of ways to cook this. It doesn’t have to be baked chicken breast. Use your brain and get a little creative.


My favorite way to eat chicken breast?


I make chicken sausage out of it. Fantastic! I never eat baked chicken breast. Not a fan.


Egg whites.


Eggs as well, but you can eat a cup of egg whites for 100 calories. That’s a good sized omelet or a nice pile of scrambled eggs. And bonus… lots of high quality protein.




Don’t be silly and pile a salad with 8 servings of Hidden Valley Ranch, 50 croutons, and a pile of cheese.


Use lots of veggies, find a low calorie dressing you like, and use other methods to flavor your salad. Spices, fruit, lean proteins… again… use your brain and get creative.




140 calories for 1lb. That’s a lot of food. And that isn’t a lot of calories.


Air popped popcorn.


Lot’s of food to eat. High in fiber (yay!), low in calories. I use a bit of cooking spray on my popcorn so I can season it with popcorn salt! Loading it up with butter… or having most types of microwave popcorn defeats the purpose.


Sugar free jello.


Great snack or dessert. Low in calories. Like 10 calories for a snack pack serving. 


Losing weight can be hard. Don’t make it any harder than it needs to be.


Stock up on high volume low calorie foods and you might not even feel like you’re dieting! 


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