What Does It Mean To Be Motivated?

What does it mean to be motivated?

When you think about motivation, what do you envision?

A knight in shining armor coming to save you? Something that must be found and once it is found it will do everything for you?

Really, motivation is simply why we do what we do.

Motivation likes to make you think he’s a knight in shining armor and he even wears the costume, but really he’s just there for the fun stuff. He’s kind of a good time friend.

Motivation comes into play when we get a workout in, and when we skip a workout.

He plays a role when we decide to cook a healthy meal at home and when we decide to grab McDonald’s on our way home from work.

Each of those choices, Motivation is there, just the reasons behind that motivation were different.

The reason behind that choice, what motivated that choice, was not having to cook at home, or wanting to stay on track with your healthy eating goal.

You didn’t workout because you were motivated to watch T.V. or you did your workout because you were motivated to be strong.

Maybe instead of looking for Motivation or trying to be motivated, ask yourself what do you love more?

How does that make you feel? What does that bring up?

How does it make you feel to say you love fast food more than you love health?

How does it make you feel to say you love sitting on the couch and watching T.V. more than you love being strong?

Does that feel okay? Or does it feel icky?

I wonder what would happen if you tried  replacing motivation with determination, grit or self love?

I just don’t have the determination to get a workout in.

I just don’t have the grit to cook a healthy meal tonight.

I just don’t have enough self love to pack a healthy lunch for work.

How does that feel?

Are you happy with how that sounds?

Does that shift change anything?

Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t? 

And either way that is okay. 

The only person who needs to be okay with your answer is you. 

You just have to be honest with yourself.

If you aren’t happy with that, and you might not be, after all you have a gleam of motivation because you’ve even asked yourself the questions.

Remember what Motivation loves most is action!

Why? Once you get past The Hump Monster, it gets a lot more fun!

Sometimes the knight in shining armor aka Motivation comes to help us, especially when we are first getting started, because what is more exciting than something new!? 

But he leaves at the first sign of trouble. And from then on out… you have to rely on your dedication and commitment to yourself to get moving.

And when you do that, once you’re past The Hump Monster,  motivation comes trotting back. 

What a weasel huh? Only around for the fun stuff. 

What I’m saying is, don’t rely on motivation… don’t keep telling yourself you’re not motivated… because you are…  you care, you want to do it, otherwise you wouldn’t be worried one way or the other.  

But your Motivation Knight can’t do it all, he needs the help of Your Why, Grit, Determination and Commitment. Otherwise he’ll just do the other things you’re interested in because they are easier and more fun in the moment.

And even though Motivation is great to have around, he’s a flaky dude. Don’t rely on him.

Motivation is why we do the things we do.

But oftentimes, to move toward the stuff that really matters to us, health, strength, fitness, living a long active happy life, we need to remember, Motivation likes fun, exciting, and instant gratification more than long term values. 

And that is when knowing Your Why and being great friends with your Grit, Determination, and Commitment can really come into play.

They can help you get moving when Motivation is being a flake. And once you get moving Motivation usually shows up to make it more fun.

Next time you’re looking for Motivation… remember, he’s just around the corner waiting for the fun to start. 

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