Can you eat carbs, feel great, and still lose weight?

Can you eat carbs, feel great and still lose weight? 


You can eat carbs and still lose weight.

But if we can eat carbs and lose weight, why do so many people believe carbs are what make us fat?

Why are there so many diet zealots (think keto and carnivore), trainers, your friend on Facebook, and even your mum, claiming you need to cut out carbs, to successfully lose weight? 

There probably are a million different reasons but let’s talk about what I think are the 3 biggies.

Carbs are easy to blame. 

It’s carbs’ fault. It isn’t that people are overeating or consuming too many calories, it’s the carbs.

There are so many different fad diets blaming carbs. Keto. Carnivore. Paleo. Atkins. It does get confusing and can make anyone question whether or not carbs are in fact evil and the bane of our waistlines. 

Blaming carbs, like these diets do, is appealing because it’s one simple rule to follow. And a pretty simple (maybe not easy) rule to follow.  Don’t eat carbs. 

When there is one simple rule to follow, there is no need to learn any new behaviors,  there is no need to build new and better habits, and there is no need to learn how to eat a healthy balanced diet long term.

Option 1: Blame carbs. Have one simple rule to follow to lose weight.

Option 2: Know weight gain and loss is a bit more complex and relies on daily behaviors, habits and attitudes. Have to start the long (and rewarding) process of learning how to live a healthier leaner life long term by modifying how you live day to day. 

Option 1 is much simpler, easier to promote, and easier to start. Leading to the prevalence of the carbs are evil claims. 

Most of the carbs we eat are highly processed and/or loaded with added sugar and/or fat.

Cake with a ton of added fat and sugar. Pasta is highly processed and oftentimes smothered in cheese or oil . Bread is highly processed and usually eaten with butter or other higher fat toppings. Chips are soaked in oil. Okay you get the idea.

This brings me to my next point…

We tend to overeat our highly processed carbs.

Fatty sugary carbs taste fantastic. And many of them are specifically made to make your brain and taste buds want to eat and eat and eat.

Companies that sell highly processed foods, Nestle, Frito-Lay, Kraft Heinz, and so on… they use science to get you to keep eating their product. You eating more equals more dollars in their pockets.

Not only do they find the perfect ratio of fat, salt and sugar they also research things like ‘mouth feel’, ‘maximum bite force’ and  ‘sensory specific satiety’. 

Sensory specific satiety means, as you eat something the taste gets less exciting for your brain with each bite. When that happens, your brain will feel satisfied and lets you know you can stop eating. That is the opposite of what these companies want of course. They want you to empty that bag or tub before stopping.

Companies want a food to be more-ish. Meaning you’ll keep wanting more. Crunch, how long it takes to chew, and shape all play a role. And they have the army of scientists to help them get it just right. 

How quickly the food dissolves in your mouth is a biggie. Why? If a food dissolves pretty quickly it tricks our brains. It’s called ‘vanishing caloric density’.  

When the food dissolves your brain is like, “Whoa dude, those calories just freaking disappeared. We are going to starve! Eat more!” says your brain in a panic. And then you continue to eat.

These highly processed carbs are literally engineered to make you overeat them.

Pretty crazy right?

Now that it sounds like I’ve thoroughly bashed carbs let’s get to how you can enjoy carbs while losing weight. 

Focus on whole and minimally processed carb sources.

Carbs are so much more than cookies and crackers. Stock your kitchen with smart carbs,  things like potatoes, fruit, rice, millet, oats, quinoa, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, popcorn, and sweet potatoes. 

These carbohydrate sources are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Not to mention fiber. Oh yea!

When you choose whole and minimally processed carbs you are providing your body with a great source of energy and tons of other good for you stuff!

Be aware of portion sizes.

No matter what you’re eating, portion size matters. Even though smart carbs aren’t engineered to make you over eat them, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. 

Measure out a serving and see what it looks like. See if it keeps you full or maybe you need a bit more? Simply being aware of how much you are eating is super helpful when losing weight. And maintaining weight.

Use a food scale (super cheap on Amazon or at Wal-Mart) to be the most accurate. But measuring cups work too. 

Get creative and find what works for you.

Don’t be afraid of smart carbs. And keep it simple. Buy canned beans. Buy minute rice. Choose fruits you know you love and are easy to eat.

Try cooking everything different ways. Baked potatoes. Roasted potatoes. Air fryer potatoes.

Use spices! Taco flavored pinto beans. Indian inspired flavors on your chick peas. Try some thyme oregano and paprika on some black beans. 

In a hurry? Grab a banana, apple, or orange and eat it on the go. Don’t be afraid to have frozen fruit in the freezer as a sweet post supper treat. 

Be curious about cooking and creating with smart carbs. 

Carbs CAN and really SHOULD be part of your diet.

There is no reason you need to cut carb sources from your diet when trying to lose weight. Carbs will not prevent fat loss. Remember the only way to gain weight is to eat more CALORIES than your body uses. 

Try to minimize highly processed carbs. That doesn’t mean never, but they shouldn’t be making up the bulk of your diet. Especially if you are aiming for fat loss and getting healthy.

Choose more smart carbs, keep portions under control and be willing to step in the kitchen now and again. Do that… and you’ll be on the road to success with weight loss, feeling full of energy, and living a lean life.

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