Do you want to make hard choices feel easier when losing weight?

Are you trying to lose weight but you are sick and tired of starting over? 

Fed up with self sabotaging every time you see a bit of progress? 

Are you ready to throw in the towel?

Don’t give up.

Ask yourself why.

Why does what matters to you, matter to you?

Why do you want to live healthier? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to eat healthier foods? Why do you want to workout?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions it is going to be really hard to lose weight, eat better, and workout consistently.

If you don’t know why you’re choosing salad over pizza on a Friday night it’s going to be pretty hard to say no thank you when your best friend offers you a slice for the 800th time.

If you don’t know why you started strength training, it is going to be really hard to get up at 5 a.m. when it’s 10 degrees outside and get in your lift. 

Finding Your Why is deeper than, I want to look good or I want to feel better.  Yea, everybody wants that.

Why do you want to look good?

Do you want to start dating again? Do you want to feel confident when you get into bed with your husband?

Why do you want to start dating again? Why do you want to feel confident with your husband?

Why do you want to feel better?

Do you want to play with your kids after work instead of just sitting on the couch watching them play? Do you want to get out on the weekends and start hiking those trails you’ve always wanted to checkout?

Why do you want to play with your kids instead of just watching them? Why do you want to get out and hike those trails?

Digging deep, really exploring Your Why, can help you see where you really want to go. It helps you see what your goal really is.

Knowing this, that helps you stick with it when it gets hard.

That’s how you get up at 5 a.m. to workout. That’s how you say no to the pizza your friend has offered you 18 times in a row.

You have a meaningful reason to make the harder choices. Choosing salad has a purpose. It has importance.

Knowing Your Why can make it easier to ask Determination and Grit for help, and it makes everything a bit more attractive for Motivation and he’ll show his face more often.

Knowing Your Why and knowing what you value, makes making choices easier.

Would a person that values being a part of their kids life instead of just a bystander do this?

What choice would a healthy, confident, vibrant partner make?

What choice aligns with what is truly important to me?

Find Your Why.

Ask yourself why at least 5 times. More if needed. Dig deep down to find out why losing weight and improving your health really matters to you. 

It can be kinda intense to dig deep. And you’ll probably discover some areas of your life relating to health, fitness, and nutrition, don’t match up with who you really want to be.

That’s okay.

What would one choice you make today look like if it did align with your deeply held values?

Can you make one choice today that takes you one step closer to who you really want to be?

If you want to lose weight, and keep it off, discover Your Why and repeat it often.

Put it on your phone background. Write it in your planner everyday. Say it out loud in the mirror before you brush your teeth.

Keep it relevant, keep it right there so you don’t forget, and Your Why will help you when it feels hard.

So today, sit down for 10 minutes and dive in. Discover Your Why and get to know him. 

Then write it out often. Say it out loud often. 

And when something feels hard, remember Your Why.

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